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  According to the following methods: pause, index, pause, index, indexer for intermittent indexing movement. Usually the input shaft rotates once, and the output shaft completes one station, that is, 1 pause + 1 indexing.


Plane swing

  The swing drive is a driving device in which the input shaft performs continuous and consistent operation, and the output shaft performs reciprocating swing motion. The swing drive can be used to transport workpieces.


Continuous drive

  The continuous drive can be regarded as the most stable reducer. It is especially suitable for mechanical devices that require smooth rotation, high output torque and no drive loss or invalid stroke. Continuous drives can be used on drive devices that require multi-phase indexing, free indexing or final point determination.


  According to the following methods: pause, index, pause, index, indexer for intermittent indexing movement. Usually the input shaft rotates one circle, and the output shaft completes one station, that is, 1 pause + 1 indexing.
Plane swing
The swing drive is a driving device in which the input shaft performs continuous and consistent operation, and the output shaft performs reciprocating swing motion. The swing drive can be used to transport workpieces.
Continuous drive
The continuous drive can be regarded as the most stable reducer. It is especially suitable for mechanical devices that require smooth rotation, high output torque and no drive loss or invalid stroke. Continuous drives can be used on drive devices that require multi-phase indexing, free indexing or final point determination.